The Right Fit for Jacqueline

Jacqueline is a mother and found herself going through a personal issue. This had an immediate impact on her family’s housing as they were forced to sell their house and move. The disruption to her security forced her to reexamine her employment prospects.

Specifically, she needed more hours.

She approached FSC to enroll in Wisconsin Works (W-2) with the intention of focusing on finding the right job. Erin, her case manager, said from day one she had a boisterous, optimistic personality—a benefit in the right kind of position.

Through previous work with our program, Jacqueline had found a call center position at Americollect, but she was still only working part-time. Erin connected her with housing resources through our partners at Community Action and the Salvation Army in Green County. They then talked about what Jacqueline wanted in the long-term.

The answer: full-time employment.

She loved her job at Americollect, and she was good at it. Her outgoingness made her standout and connect with her customers. She wanted more.

Then came an open training position. She jumped at it.

“Her job path is her constant,” Erin says, acknowledging Jacqueline’s resilience. “We sometimes see people fall apart, but she’s stuck through it. I’m so proud of her.”

In fact, she prepared herself for the interview by watching YouTube videos and asking necessary questions. The position is so well-suited to her that it has created a drive to succeed—and with that comes the security she was seeking for her family.

She’s now setting new goals for owning a home and getting healthier. As a trainer, she would be spreading her enthusiasm and experience to others. The right fit for her proves to be the right fit for everyone.

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